

And the winners are...

Though the polls will remain open, after four days and over 700 votes it seems quite clear which are your favourite Roisin albums:

Moloko: Statues (61% of votes) - My personal favourite too. Oh, don't you just love the album cover?

Roisin solo: Overpowered (71% of votes) - I have to admit this doesn't reflect my personal choice, but I can understand why most of you have gone for this one.

Thank you all for voting!

If you don't agree with the outcome and haven't taken part yet, you can still cast your vote. Maybe this will change the results? After all, this blog is a democracy!


Johann said...

Yeah, that was my votes ! Both covers are so beautiful and creative. I love them.

Agost said...

i did vote for statues, but not for overpowered...still like "let me know..." better
love this blog

Eel_Ssab said...

Both my choices :D

Anonymous said...

i chose 'Doctor' and 'Ruby Blue'... can't say i'm shocked they're not no. 1 :)

Lianne said...

Voted for Ruby Blue and Doctor. Love every song on those albums. These lyrics are really the best, though in completely different ways, haha. Favourite songs: Sinking Feeling, Ramalama, Should've Been, Sing It Back (Doctor-version). But I love everything Róisín does.

Claudio Pahl said...

I love both so, I´m happy.

squeezewax said...

Ruby Blue is a masterpiece.....Matthew Herbert is a genius....why don't fans get it?

Takeahitjake said...

I voted for I Am Not A Doctor and Ruby Blue, both my favorite albums ever. Both total perfection.

Dr Zee said...

"DOCTOR" is pure emotional energizer like a nervous breakdown under ecstasy.

"Tight Sweater" was awesome on stage!

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