

Official site makeover

The official Roisin Murphy site has had a makeover. Though the site is quite basic at the moment, the good news is that the Forest National gig is back online as an interactive feature. You can now edit your own concert videos and upload them on the site.

Oh, last but not least, the homepage now includes a link to the blog run by yours truly. A big 'thank you' to Roisin's team for this. It's a great honour and acknowledgement!


Natasha said...

..big up the blog man!.. go you hopeless op!! BOOM..

Anonymous said...

The website doesn't work for me :(
I'll click the dropdown, a very small thing drops down but there's nothing to select at all

Claudio Pahl said...

I loved the new design, great job.

Anonymous said...

I think it doesn't work in Internet Explorer. It work in Mozilla Firefox though, which is a much better browser anyways:

Oh!Ruby said...

I have Firefox, IE and Opera, nothing works :(

Anonymous said...

Ya, I use Firefox anyway. I tried it with IE too and it still didn't work :(

Anonymous said...

It works for me. How strange... Maybe noticy the Roisin peeps at Paperheads...

DemonLover said...

very strange, yesterday it didn't work the whole day except for 2 hours after midnight. today it's again not working!!

Unknown said...

The solution is to use the URL instead of

DemonLover said...

thank you SOOOOOOO much Carsten. :D
woohoo it works!! :)

SNOOPY3400 said...

I am so glad that the Forest National gig is back online, its a fantastic show, and making videos this way - I never tried it before, but very very funny:)

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