

Benicàssim backstage

Two pictures of Roisin backstage at the Benicàssim festival in Spain, courtesy of fiberfib.

Check out fiberfib's photo set on Flickr for a couple of live photos from the festival.


Anonymous said...

Lovely pictures :D

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

loved benicassim!!

during 'let me know' a disco hussle of about 300 people started gaining momentum and us randomly breaking out in indian chants... it was the pivital festival experience that was created by Roisin!! i cant wait for sziget maybe this time i will be not to far gone to brave the i come!

Tortuga said...

yeaaahh!! i was in benicassim too, in the first row and it was the best show of the festival, she made us dance and sing like fools. I love how friendly and nice she really is.
She's the one and the only :)

Anonymous said...

She rocked Benicassim :))) I was on first row too & could enjoy each detail!! Ro is simply da BEST!!!!!

Anonymous said...

right so we are all in concensus that Natasha pushes her way to the front for a Sziget Roisin extravaganza!!... duelly noted and done! look for the bleached blonde crunking at the front.

AnaLo said...

I was in FIB too, in the first row too!!!

It was fantastic!!!

Róisín: the best!!!

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