

FaceCulture interview II

For the second time this year online multimedia magazine FaceCulture got to interview Miss Murphy, this time at the Lowlands Festival.

In the interview Roisin discusses Gucci, fighting and loosing shoes on stage and orgies.

Click here to watch the interview & note how pretty Roisin looks.


Anonymous said...

Gosh!!! She's absolutely gorgeous!!!

Not only the greatest singer, but the prettiest too :)

Anonymous said...

She's wrong when she says that people don't recognize her in the street. I did recognize her in a second when i saw her in the street!


Tortuga said...

jesus! she's more than gorgeous!^^
And she's so down to the earth

I want to recognize her in the street too! xD

Anonymous said...

You're right. She's not gorgeous, she's fabulous.

Anonymous said...

There is not no words strong enough to tell how beautiful she is. Especially in this interview...she looks 20. How is it possible after almost one year of gigs all over the world? And above all, she's so funny...and beautiful.

I love her.

Tortuga said...

this blog entry is absolutely filled with love for that twenty year old girl :)

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