

More from Fashion Week

Roisin was rubbing shoulders with celebrities last night at the Giles Deacon Spring/Summer 2011 fashion show in London. On the left she is with Amber Rose, Kanye West's ex girlfriend. On the right she is sitting next to Kerry Katona, a former member of the girl-group Atomic Kitten.

Don't forget to check Roisin's Twitter page. It's full of exclusive shots of Roisin during fashion week, the cutest being this one...

Roisin's comment: "Chilling between shows at my pr's office in his shirt....oh the glamour"


Someone from Poland said...

The second picture!
Just lack of words...
...and how I can be normal... :)
Already when I saw this picture from Orally Fixated song in last year, then it was hard to refrain from foolish thoughts.
I remember that I always said to myself: don't look at her in this way!!! :) Think that she is your Auntie and not ordinary Auntie but exclusive French :)))
And it helped me to not do something stupid, if you know what I meant...:)
But I think that I'm such enthusiast of her not only because of the great music but first of all because of such weird things.
Somehow she is always able to be stylish, even when exaggerate sometimes and she have good "uncommercial" taste which I admire!

Now I feel that I have to degrade myself, so according to the saying:

"Speech is silver and silence is golden"

I don't want to be silver all the time but I prefer rather to be golden!
I suppose that you all know what it means :)

Edgar said...

KM sent a comment via twitter about the last pic. :S

Anonymous said...

phones don't like coffee * nannick

Lianne said...

Love the fact that she's dropped down between a box and a garbage can... besides the shirt, that is. By the way, I think my dad has the same shirt.

Someone from Poland said...
This comment has been removed by the author. said...

For my part one and all have to go through this.

online pharmacy said...

I am glad that twitter is there. because we get some great exclusives or insights that you can't get anywhere.

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