

Murphy DJs for Henwood

Coming Tuesday Roisin will be DJing at the launch of Simon Henwood's new book of artwork, simply entitled HENWOOD. The work covers 20 years of Henwood's creative work.

The book includes collaborations with many musicians including Kanye West, Kylie Minogue, Imogen Heap, Badly Drawn Boy, Devendra Banhart, and, of course, Roisin Murphy.

The event will take place at Vanilla in Central London. Apparently the venue will be curated for one night only with some of Henwood’s more unusual work from over the years.


Anonymous said...

oooh cool!

A. said...

oh how id love to be there!


Anonymous said...

anyone going to rock up?

Anonymous said...

well I hope people won't go just to see Roisin, because this is a night dedicated to Simon Henwood and his work...

Anonymous said...

how fantastic for simon. he's amazing. truly. ill def be considering buying a copy.

Baz said...

I hate to say it but I really dislike Simon's work! Not my cup of tea at all.

Anonymous said...

Me neither...Roisin is almost ugly on his paintings.

Anonymous said...

.. i think simons work is amazing, i've been following it since i was 14 and receieved my big KYLIE book, was intrigued by his work and have since decided to percue art myself but in a different medium, i would love to get a book...

Baz said...

"Roisin is almost ugly on his paintings."

Absolutely! The pic accompanying this blog entry is just awful. Simon's pictures were the one thing I hated about the "Ruby Blue" album... he makes Roisin look OLD and ugly I'm amazed Roisin even used the paintings, but of course she's gonna be biased with him being her boyfriend.

Anonymous said...

Totally agree, Baz, and I must add that if he has done a wonderful job on the video's of "Sow Into You" and "If We're In Love", "Movie Star" was awful and didn't certainly help the single to reach the charts.

Anonymous said...

perhaps if you dont have anything nice to say.. just dont comment.

Adrian said...

I went! I enjoyed! Roisin wore a fabulous green Mums-going-to-Lakeland shirt-dress. And I asked her to draw me the world. And she did. Have a look:

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous: this blog isn't made to put only "nice" comments.

As a matter of fact, I don(t really appreciate Henwood's work neither, and I dare to say it.


Natasha said...

wow.. getting crazy in here!
@ adrian - cool dude thats rad - i was there too, thanks Roisin for signing my belly like it was a normal thing to do!

A. said...

i want photos! anyone got any they could share?

Anonymous said...

Pictures here:

It was nice.

Anonymous said...

some of you have it all wrong. you say you dont like work cos he makes roisin look 'older and uglier' than she is. art is not always meant to be flattering aand it's not always about beautifying someone or something. sure, beauty's in the eye of the beholder but its incredibly superficial to think otherwise. if you take the time to appreciate his brush strokes and use of colour to create the images of roisin you so devalue then perhaps you would understand why the rest of us find him to be incredibly talented. fuckers.

G. Rowup said...

Do NOT call those of us who you disagree with, "fuckers".

There is absolutely no need for nasty insults like that just because some of us express the opposite opinion to yours.

Anonymous said...


Painter said...

I'm with Baz. As an artist, my professional opinion is this man can't paint. I dunno why she would wanna be with someone who makes her look so ugly. There's only room for one artist in a relationship and it isn't him.

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