

At the Henwood party

Roisin together with Jodie Harsh at the Henwood book launch party in London two days ago.

Click here to see more pictures from the launch.


Anonymous said...

So superficial and vain...Roisin, you should lock in a studio and make new songs instead. :(

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, take care on what you say: she is really working, make sure of it, with no hesitation. No other choice if you know the work she´s been producing and performing. No other choice. Let her be with Simon celebrating good news with friendly party. Breaks are coffe for morning songs, even if songs need to be written at night.

Anonymous said...

Pfff...what do you know...

Anonymous said...

I haven't read something interesting here since end of last year...

mexcreel said...

I have the deepest respect for Roisin Murphy, her music and performance. And no matter how long I have to wait for more music it doesn't matter, because I think it will be worth it.
But what I miss, is the Forrest concert on a dvd. Is there anyone who know, whether it will be released?

Anonymous said...

Gosh give the girl a break! When you are at work, do you also work all night? 24/7?
She is like everyone else and goes to parties and has friends and a life outside the studio.
As for being superficial and vain... What have you done in your life that is so deep? I don't think hanging around pop singers blog qualifies.

A. said...
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A. said...

& plus it wasnt just some random party she was djing at it was her extremely talented artist boyfriends 10 year celebration book launch...

give the girl a break, she toured overpowered for a year & a half! surely thats enough.

a new album will come in due time. the best things are always worth the wait.


ps, she looks pretty!

Anonymous said...

..umm it was also simons birthday...whats happened to the fans why are they revolting?! STOP THE MADNESS!

Anonymous said...

greedy, selfish bastards. leave her alone and get a life.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

god i hate jodie harsh

Anonymous said...

she hates you

Anonymous said...

what is so good about jodie harsh anyway?

A. said...

jodie harsh is fabulous & i adore her.

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