Do you want to see Roisin perform live this summer? Your only chance is to come to Burlectic in London's SeOne club on Saturday 5 September.
In addition to Roisin, there is a DJ set from Razorlight along with burlesque performances, a fashion room with a carousel catwalk and a few more DJs.
Click here for more information and tickets.
she will perform?? hope she doesn't overdoes herself. great news though :D
she will perform. not with the full band tho. she has her laptop she djs/sings kinda similar thing that Miss Kittin does. that's what I gather from her recent PA's that can be found on youtube.
got my ticket. sooo excited!!!
I got my ticket too!!!! Yeah!
omg... i cant go to greece now!!
I think this one will be really special as she is due in nov.... and who knows when is she going to play next...
Very nice information.She must perform the best. Thats all is needed.Thanks for sharing these.
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